Saturday, October 20, 2012

Finally got some time

  So it's been two weeks since the last time I'm here, course went intensive, got 1 midterm, 1 assignment and quiz for every week.
  I found that study the quiz before tutorial is kinda helpful to  get a sense about how the quiz would be like, then read the online text, search for some MI, CI, SI problems on google would help me to get a better understanding of the course material.
  And this week we learned about time complexity, Prof. Heap used merge sort as an example, it reminds me of what we learned in CSC165, basically this example is to analyze the lower and upper bound of the runtime of a sorting algorithm, I assume that we're gonna learn how to prove all the other sorting algorithms, probably by ourselves, in this case, I will start to prove those algorithm runtimes. This runtime analysis can be very helpful for future programming, since the running speed of a program is sometimes crucial in real life.
  Later, I will post my solutions for sorting algorithms.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 4: So far as I learned

  So this is the 4th week, and already done 1 assignment plus 1 quiz, pretty intensive.
  Missed out the second quiz on Monday, cuz I thought the tutorial will be  on Wednesday, so I'll go to Thursday's evening section tutorial, hope I can still write the second quiz.
  Assignment 1 seems to be not so hard, all the problems can be solved by reviewing the notes from the lecture, MI and CI were not some new stuff since I took CSC165 last year, and then we learned WO, they are pretty much the same to me.
  Still didn't get back Quiz 1 paper, it's really easy though, so probably shouldn't be worried about that.
  Now I'm preparing for tomorrow's Quiz, the course seems getting harder as time goes by, think I need to put double time to study.